

Recently, I've noticed a trend in the American gun owning populace that is alarming. It's the general lack of training. On average, 99% of gun owners in the United States shoot less than 1000 rounds a year. The Department of Justice estimates that only 10% of gun owners (140 million - 160 million) train on a regular basis, that being once a month. This is very alarming as it shows that the vast majority of those that consider themselves to be the solution to the problems here, are actually completely harmless according to the DOJ. You will notice that these individuals are the loudest ones online, yet have the lowest performance when it comes to firearms training. Don't let these stats stop you from training more. Have objectives when you go to the range, that's the difference between "going to the range" and training. Train more, complain less.
If you'd you like to meet our Pro Staff at any matches, they'll be at the IDPA Oklahoma State Championship the first weekend in May, and the Hit Factor Championship in South Dakota, the last weekend in May.
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