Professional Consultants

  • Henry Morrissette

Henry started "black bag contracting" when he was 19 years old and decided to stick with that lifestyle. His life moto is, "Live ready". After operations in South Africa, West Africa, North Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, and South America, Henry found out the hard way that practical shooting is the key to combat survival. He also believes that combat survival and evasion take priority in clandestine operations. Henry has been directly involved in high value target extractions in all theaters that he was deployed as a contractor. With roughly 50 direct action missions for high priority target packets, Henry brings a direct level of expertise that the industry needs.

Currently, Henry owns Quality Tactical Customs as a SOT dealer in the greater Virginia area and wants to help arm and protect his community to his best possible ability. Within that "aspect of duty" Henry has contracted with the Department of the Army and established himself in assisting in the training of Army Special Forces Candidates through Robin Sage. There is a laundry list of other things that Henry has done, but the rest of that is OPSEC. He is a valuable member of the Professional Consultant program.
  • Craig Hogan 
Craig Hogan spent the years 2000 to 2005 as an Air Force Aircraft Structural Repair Mechanic, then from 2005 to 2007, he served in the Utah Air National Guard as a Security Forces Officer. His expertise landed him in the presidential protection detail during a visit from George W. Bush. He continued his military service in the United States Army from 2007 to 2010. During this time, Craig was active duty conducting training on the brand new PR-24 Collapsible baton, as a Military Police Officer. He deployed to Iraq with the 512th MP Company.
His combat deployment to FOB Warrior, Iraq, saw him posted as a training officer for local Police and protecting election ballots before, during, and after their elections.
Upon leaving the Army, Craig earned his degree in Emergency Services and Disaster Management from American Military University.
Returning to the Air Force, Craig reclassed to a Munitions Specialist, and received his Peace Officer Standard Training certificate from the State of Utah.
A few of the other certifications Craig has are, the NRA/RSO, NRA Instructor Trainer, eight different USCCA certifications, and the State of Utah: Certified Bureau of Investigations, as part of the Department of Public Safety.
Starting with brand new shooters, Craig quickly found that teaching can be incredibly rewarding and highly entertaining. Unfortunately, an injury sidelined his law enforcement career. Craig is currently working at Hill Air Force Base full time and teaching firearms through his own company, Secret Squirrel Concealed Carry.
"My passion is teaching beginners and giving them the right resources. I want all brand new shooters to feel welcome in the 2nd Amendment Community. Teaching concealed carriers to protect what is important like a squirrel hiding their acorns. I want everyone to 'Protect Their Nuts'."
  • Brady Langdon
As apposed to the typical firearms enthusiast, Brady was a touring musician that's always had an obsession with firearms. After having access to several personal defense classes in Tennessee, he found out that he was also an obsessive learner. Being a creative designer, he dove head first into research and development as a PC. He started locally helping his friends get set up with firearms and tactical gear and utilizes that experience to inform others about their rights as Americans. He is currently expanding his knowledge base by pursuing the competitive shooting circuit. As he continues to grow as a shooter and product developer, Brady hopes to inspire others to seek excellence in firearms mastery. Having a high quality platform helps him educate those that seek something more than what you can find at your local gun shop. Brady does have some stateside experience also. While working as a carpenter in downtown Saint Louis area, he was informed by his manager that he should probably carry a firearm because of the dangerous nature of the job site.
  • Ty Williams
Ty Williams started his journey in the United States Marine Corps in 2004 as an 0331 machine gunner. Once he reached the rank of E-6 (Staff Sergeant) he was sent to 0369 - Infantry Unit Leaders Course where he graduated in the top five of his class. The course itself covers the advanced aspects of small squad tactics and weapons proficiency in small arms and anti-armor platforms. Ty found his love of small arms in the Marines where he maintained an expert qualification on rifle and pistol for the entirety of his Marine Corp career. In 2009, Ty won Distinguished High Marksmen while in 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines. Ty saw extensive combat in Fallujah in 2004 and then again in Ramadi in 2008.
After the Marines, Ty was offered a spot with a large police department in Tennessee, where he again, was involved in stateside combat. In 2013 Ty was the youngest SWAT Team Leader in state history. His rolls included LEO/SO, mechanical breaching, HASMAT, small arms instructor, advanced sniper, and advanced counter sniper. With a total of 20 years of experience as a Marine and SWAT officer, Ty has been involved in roughly 350 direct action missions.
While working at Champion Defense Sportsmen's Club, Ty ran into Matt Wheeler, a multi-division Grand Master in USPSA. They connected and Ty trained under Matt for a month before joining USPSA and starting his competitive journey. Ty is currently A Class in Open and Limited Optics. Ty won North Florida Open in December of 2023, the South Carolina Toys for Tots Match in November of 2023, and top 20 in Open IPSC USA Extreme. With his vast amount of real world and competitive experience, Ty offers a very high level of expertise, knowledge, and skill that he utilizes to improve and test product design.
  • Jesse Belcher
After 14 years in the Navy, Jesse learned that being in the military doesn't make one a good shooter. While in the Navy, Jesse served as an ETRC as an E-7 (Cheif), Submarine Electronics Technician Radio Chief. Like many of us in the industry, Jesse found his love of firearms while in the Navy. Jesse built his first rifle in 2018, and the "bug" bit him hard.
His first competition was a Steel Challenge in the summer of 2023 and again, the "bug" bit him hard. Jesse went down the rabbit hole of firearms proficiency and knowledge seeking, continuing to chase the competitive circuit in IDPA, USPSA, and Steel Challenge. Jesse is currently invested in growing his skill base in Carry Optics in all three sports.
Jesse is a Test Engineer for General Dynamics. This correlates directly to his role as a Professional Consultant, as his extensive experience is key to product testing, development, and design. Within his current job, Jesse develops and implements testing procedures for submarine combat systems. Because of his passion, Jesse is heavily involved in promoting firearms rights, training, mindset, and responsible gun ownership.
  • Josh Dennis
As a young boy, Josh was gifted a BB gun when he was five years old. Well, needless to say, if you could shoot it with a BB gun, it got shot. Beer cans, walnuts, squirrels, you name it. His next step up was a 22 long rifle, and that's where it really kicked off. Josh has developed a bit of an obsession with firearms, again, like a lot of us, and has harnessed his particular brand of autism and funneled it into the firearms industry. The never ending list of knowledge that is the firearms and tactical community, has inspired him to get his "feet wet" as a Professional Consultant. We all want to achieve some level of perfection in this industry, but it's not possible, and Josh knows that, but he's still trying. As a young firearms owner, Josh wants to help break the cycle of "I shoot good enough" and turn that into actual high skill marksmanship.
Something occurred to him after putting rounds down range before his first USPSA match. He thought, "How much better could I be if I took this seriously?" Josh wants to find out what he can and can't do with his firearm and wants to be absolutely sure that if he ever has to use force, all his rounds go exactly where they need to. He understands the grueling process and effort it will take to master this skill, but that's what he wants.
"If you can't use your platform to it's full potential, you should really take a step back and look in the mirror and ask yourself, 'Am I really capable of being the protector and provider that I think I am?' "